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How GREAT Was Thundurus ACTUALLY Histor

Bonhoeffer - The Preacher and the Swastika

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian, is a Christian hero for many. Executed by the Nazis just days before the end of WWII for his participation in a plot t...

2024-07-03 28:31 0 Youtube

The Supermajority of the Supreme Court

Michael Waldman, author of "Supermajority" and President of the Brennan Center for Justice, discusses the power shift on the Supreme Court that occurred during ...

2024-07-04 03:45 50 Youtube


1970-01-01 00:00 0 Youtube


1970-01-01 00:00 0 Youtube


1970-01-01 00:00 0 Youtube

Actually, Kamigawa Was Great | Pretty Deece

Today’s Pretty Deece is about… Bitcoin!Just kidding. This week we’re talking about Kamigawa block. I noticed a trend in the comments of the video for my b...

2018-08-30 10:30 2 Dailymotion

Graduation. How we think it was how it actually was

Hahaha almost all of us think that it would be our graduation but it is actually just different from what we think. This was real....

2016-03-13 05:15 0 Dailymotion

How Gucci Gang was Actually Made


2018-02-16 02:24 45 Dailymotion

How This Baby Was Actually Born Twice


2017-11-20 01:44 1 Dailymotion

How Great was Warren Moon?

The War Room talk about the legacy of Warren Moon! This is a clip from the greatest "Marshall Faulking" show on the internet! WARROOMSPORTS.COM WARROOMSPORT...

2010-12-01 01:59 95 Dailymotion