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Brand new bikes are expensive little things, so buying one that's only a year or two old means you can save heaps of money while still benefitting from the late...
http://www.lockergnome.com/mattryan/2012/01/12/five-things-you-should-buy-used/ - Thrift stores, online auctions, and antique shops are great places to browse f...
Brand new bikes are expensive little things, so buying one that's only a year or two old means you can save heaps of money while still benefitting from the late...
FULL ARTICLES : http://wootarticles.com/car/how_to_buy_a_used_car.html...
http://www.lockergnome.com/mattryan/2012/01/12/five-things-you-should-not-buy-used/ - To counterpoint five things that you should buy used, there are plenty of ...