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John 15v15-17:- In Jesus, we are not blind Disciples but the Friends of Christ Jesus. Holy Gospel of Jesus, the anointed Christ according to Saint John 15,15-1...
All the signs of the Imminent rapture are here my friends!!! are YOU Ready To FLY?...
Easter Play, the Life of Jesus and not of Christ. Jesus was visible whilst Christ not but revealed. In Jesus, we are to be solitary. Flesh + soul = Once-born n...
Luke 5v33-35:- Praying and fasting are of Anti-Christs as God is within us, Emmanuel. In Jesus we are no more Blind Disciples of the Rabbis but Royal Priests of...
Luke 14v25-33:- In Jesus, we are His Confident Solitary Companion Friends. We made up our minds before Joining His Labour Force and not the once-born spiritual...