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National Day of Encouragement is celebrated. September 12 is National Day of Encouragement in the United States! First celebrated back in 2007, this special day...
CCTV footage from September 10 shows U.S. rock legend Jon Bon Jovi stepping in to help save a woman on the verge of jumping off a bridge in Nashville, Tennessee...
Jon Bon Jovi foi elogiado pela polícia de Nashville, Tennessee, por sua corajosa intervenção ao ajudar uma mulher em perigo na beirada de uma ponte. O caso a...
Jon Bon Jovi hugs woman after talking her off bridge ledge in NashvilleSource: Metropolitan Nashville Police Department)...
'Livin' On A Prayer' hitmaker Jon Bon Jovi has been praised for his actions after helping a "distraught" woman down from the ledge of a bridge....