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Man Claims To Be Jesus Christ Appears On

16 – Die Heilige Messe: Das Offertorium: Der Beginn des großen Opfers!

Upload : 4 days ago...

2025-03-16 03:59 774 Youtube

Verherrlichung von Jesus Christus

Upload : 6 days ago...

2025-03-14 00:40 1,803 Youtube

Joh. 3, 22-36: Der Bräutigam I Der Sohn Gottes im Johannesev. I Martin Vedder

Upload : 1 week ago...

2025-03-09 37:31 590 Youtube

Man claims to Be Jesus Christ The Messiah living in Australia

Man claims to Be Jesus Christ The Messiah living in Australia...

2016-04-21 31:50 2 Dailymotion

OMG! Former IT Specialist Claiming To Be Jesus Christ Reborn

Australia, Queensland: Alan John Miller runs a religious movement, the Divine truth, in rural Kingaroy. Not enough, that he claims to be Jesus, having memories ...

2013-05-29 03:15 2 Dailymotion

People Who Claimed to be Jesus Christ - 20th century #Part 1

Thanks for watching. 1. Haile Selassie I (1892--1975) did not claim to be Jesus and disapproved of claims that he was Jesus, but the Rastafari movement,...

2016-11-04 01:13 1 Dailymotion

People Who Claimed to be Jesus Christ - 18th and 19th Century

Thanks for watching. 18th century 1. Ann Lee (1736-1784), the founder and leader of the Shakers. Lees followers believing that she was the female...

2016-11-05 00:47 0 Dailymotion

Man claims to be mahdi live on TV


2015-01-03 02:28 61 Dailymotion