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Ive watched and studied thousands of videos and fighters but this video I find to be most incredible, explosive, and unique. Watch how he combines his boxing, ....
Fighters: Rickson Gracie vs Masakatsu Funaki Event: C2K - Colosseum 2000 - Final Conflict. Date: May 26, 2000 Location: Japan...
Have you ever seen a 9 year old girl chop down a tree with her bare fists? Well join Boxing Legends TV today as we count down he top 5 most incredible child pro...
SWS, "WRESTLE DREAM IN KOBE", 04/01/91 Kobe World Hall 5,877 fans Naoki Sano vs Masakatsu Funaki...
El Guapo takes on Funaki at pancrase - Pancrash 1...