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Montana Tech Science Fair Brings 400 Chi

#46: Power Focused Programming Mini Study (Updated)

Upload : 2 weeks ago...

2025-02-28 43:59 80 Youtube

#46: Power Focused Programming Mini Study

Upload : 2 weeks ago...

2025-02-28 43:59 46 Youtube

The milliQan Detector at CERN - The Search for Milli-charged Particles

Upload : 23 hours ago...

2025-03-13 06:34 0 Youtube

Artificial Intelligence Teddy Bear controlled by robot on display at Thai tech convention

A cute Artificial Intelligence teddy bear moves its body when controlled by a robot. The invention can also be programmed to dance to music.Hundreds of inventor...

2020-01-20 02:54 6 Dailymotion

Japanese inventor shows off dancing skeleton suit at Thai tech convention

A Japanese inventor entertains tech show visitors with a bizarre homemade flashing skeleton suit. The device is attached to his knees and moves in sync with him...

2020-01-20 03:07 85 Dailymotion

Think Like A Dog Movie - Gabriel Bateman, Josh Duhamel, Megan Fox

Think Like A Dog Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Josh Duhamel and Megan Fox star in this whimsical family comedy about a boy and his dog, and a science projec...

2020-05-06 01:53 7 Dailymotion

Why Are High School Students Being Recruited for Corporate America?

Why Are High School Students Being Recruited for Corporate America? Right now in the U.S., there are more job openings than unemployed workers. In order to fil...

2018-07-11 01:15 7 Dailymotion

สมเด็จพระกนิษฐาธิราชเจ้า กรมสมเด็จพระเทพฯ ทรงเปิดงาน Thailand-Japan Student Science Fair 2020

เวลา 08.56 น. วันที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ 2564 สมเด็จพระกนิษฐาธิราชเจ้า ก...

2021-02-26 04:55 2 Dailymotion