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deadliest virus on earth, In the 1970s thousands of Chickenheads rained from the sky in Europe, making foxes and other wildlife confused and very happy. Why? Th...
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, recently posted an infographic on his blog showing the world's deadliest animal. According to the data, except during time...
The world's deadliest spiders Creepy crawlies! Spiders from all over the world. With eight legs and venomous fangs, spiders are some of the most hated and fear...
**************************************************The World’s Six Smallest And Deadliest AnimalsPoison Dart FrogAustralian Box JellyfishThe MosquitoDeathstalk...
When overkill just isn't enough, The AA-12 Shotgun. Watch more videos here http://www.videobash.com Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/videobashfan...