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Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday put his stamp of authority on the body that will elect his successor as he appointed 22 new cardinals at a time of roiling tension...
Pope Benedict XVI has created 22 new cardinals - his closest aides - at a ceremony in Rome's St Peter's Basilica. Among them 18 are under 80 and so eligible to ...
An elaborate ceremony at the Vatican as Pope Benedict ordains 22 new cardinals. The exclusive group includes new cardinals from China, the U.S., Brazil and Indi...
Pope creates 21 new cardinals from around the worldPope Francis created on Saturday, December 7, 21 new cardinals coming from 17 countries, including Italy, Per...
In a ceremony at the Vatican attended by Pope Benedict XVI 22 Roman Catholic bishops are to be elevated to cardinal. The service at St Peter's Basilica, comes a...