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So go ahead rate me With ones, twos or threes I don't care, I write for me. I give myself Eights, nines and tens, Inside my mind, Again and again. But ones...
I can see sunshine Through crakes in the mist. Tears make it glisten Like mirrored rainbows Of life. And I can feel love Touch my face As raindrops From crisp ...
Sharing vices With friends I love, Sets me apart, From the multitudes, Who fear the use of Freedom, A hollow haven. Broad bleak avenues, Shinning cars, G...
See an answer to myself, Tomorrow’s yester-windowpanes Singing dancing to my song, Laughing in the falling rain. Hearing sounds of lonely voices, People tr...
You want me to love you, Like you want me To love you, But you don't want me. You want me to care, Like you want me To care, But you don't want me. You u...