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To many ways To hate my dreams, To many ways, To watch me scream. My world seems faint, So far away, Different rules, For different days. Another night, ...
Yellow Mountains of dreams And Gods Who make us feel; Grant us one more dream, Tell us that love Is not just some lie Made up by man, At his convenience. Con...
War. And war some more. War. And war some more. No one knows, What it's for, War. And war some more. The images seem To rule the day, War and Generals, All...
Somewhat sad and more is true, I never know quite what to do, Is God my sole and only truth? Is life and death just years apart? Is dreaming nothing more th...
Funny, I’ve been writing For a very long time. I’ve written about love I’ve written about hate I’ve written about war I’ve written about peace I’v...