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This is a brief intro to this event. The full event can be found at http://podcast.lannan.org/2010/02/16/seamus-heaney-reading/ and http://podcast.lannan.org/20...
After Reading 'Blackberry-Picking' Again For many years Seamus Heaney wrote while the rest of us typed none of us striking keys as grand as those in 'Black...
I've heard the news this morning and it came as no surprise Of how the Irish poet Seamus Heaney had won the Nobel Prize His place assured in literature along wi...
There, in the corner, staring at his drink. The cap juts like a gantry's crossbeam, Cowling plated forehead and sledgehead jaw. Speech is clamped in the lips...
'We were killing pigs when the Yanks arrived. A Tuesday morning, sunlight and gutter-blood Outside the slaughter house. >From the main road They would have hea...