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Chaque jour je regarde des vidéos sur Youtube, pour découvrir et apprendre des choses, ou bien pour me divertir :PSinon je publie aussi des vidéos sur ma cha...
Despite its impressive economic rise, South Korea is now facing a threat from within: a population that is ageing faster than in any other rich nation.Click her...
The world's population is expected to reach seven billion soon, placing an ever greater strain on limited resources.There are some countries, however, facing th...
► Subscribe to FT.com here: http://bit.ly/2r8RJzMGideon Rachman, the FT's chief foreign affairs commentator, explains what Kim Jong Un, the North Korean dicta...
한국인 평균연령 42세 돌파...인구 증가율 0.1%이하 기록The population growth rate for South Korea has been decreasing year after year. And with...