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Stuart Smeltzer With Faith

Sing dich ein - mit "Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht"

Upload : 1 week ago...

2024-12-13 04:35 919 Youtube

Billie Steirisch - All I want for Christmas (mit Steirerflavour)

Upload : 1 day ago...

2024-12-25 03:26 426 Youtube

Stuart Smeltzer - With Faith

“With Faith” With faith we know The Father will provide all our need, as long as we put all our faith and trust in him. The Father will give to us in the h...

2014-06-18 00:20 6 Dailymotion

Tommie Smeltzer, LA Comedy Shorts, RealTVfilms

Tommie Smeltzer, LA Comedy Shorts, RealTVfilms Distributed by Tubemogul....

2010-04-22 02:24 35 Dailymotion

Walk with faith

WALK WITH FAITH LTGEN Rhodel Sermonia of the Philippine National Police (PNP); BGEN Andre Dizon, Manila Police District (MPD) director and other PNP officers...

2023-04-06 00:43 32 Dailymotion



2019-12-08 22:50 1 Dailymotion

Filled with Faith

Filled with Faith...

2024-10-06 00:11 2 Dailymotion