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Here is a fun style animated song about 2 young children and a bear. It is a wonderful song in a sketchy style graphics and a funny story. Hope you like it, her...
From the movie "Grizzly Park", a song by Twin Sisters calle "The Other Day I Met a Bear" The Other Day I Met a Bear by Kids Bossa from the album Playhouse Relea...
お聴き頂きまして誠にありがとうございます。m(__)m The Other Day, I Met a Bear 森のくまさん/ 馬場祥弘(ばばよしひろ) ...
お聴き頂きまして誠にありがとうございます。m(__)m The Other Day, I Met a Bear 森のくまさん/ 馬場祥弘(ばばよしひろ) ...
森のくまさんThe Other Day, I Met a Bear/作詞 馬場祥弘(ばばよしひろ)アメリカ民謡...