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This Animal Rescuer Braves A War Zone In

Ein Kätzchen wurde als Köder für Kampfhunde benutzt, aber er hat überlebt!

Upload : 4 days ago...

2024-12-23 02:47 1,650 Youtube

Angriff von einem K9 HUND! Ein heftiger Biss | Brave Wilderness Deutsch

Upload : 1 week ago...

2024-12-17 12:21 3,717 Youtube

This Animal Rescuer Braves a War Zone in Israel to Save Abandoned Animals

Nora Lifshitz is a hero to many abandoned animals left by their owners in the wake of Hamas’s attack. Veuer’s Chloe Hurst has the story!...

2023-10-24 01:01 2 Dailymotion

Saving Abandoned Animals in a War Zone With This Animal Rescuer

Nora Lifshitz is a hero to many abandoned animals left by their owners in the wake of Hamas’s attack. Veuer’s Chloe Hurst has the story!...

2024-10-15 01:02 48 Dailymotion

This McDonald's in Maidstone looks like a war zone

This is the shocking scene at a McDonald's restaurant in Maidstone, south-east England, on a Sunday morning at 3 am.In the video, drink appears to have been spi...

2018-02-02 00:53 36 Dailymotion

This 97-Year-Old is Staying in a War Zone

This 97 year old has decided to stay in Ukraine. Buzz60’s Keri Lumm shares his reasons why....

2022-03-07 00:54 530 Dailymotion

Bill O'Reilly Tells How He Rescued a Photographer in Falklands "War Zone"

Bill O'Reilly Tells How He Rescued a Photographer in Falklands "War Zone"...

2015-02-20 00:59 394 Dailymotion