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Voltage explained. What is voltage and what does it do? In this video we discuss how it work and its purpose to understand how electricity works. We'll look at ...
What is Voltage? Definition of Voltage Explained..Like❣️ comments Share.#voltage #definevoltage #voltages#3danimation #3delectrical #diyelectrical #electric...
What is electricity? Definition of Electricity Explained..Like❣️ comments Share.#electricity #defineelectricity #electricitydefinition#3danimation #3delectr...
Hey there, electrifying viewers! Welcome back to our channel, where we spark your curiosity with mind-blowing facts and electrifying information. Today, we're d...
What is electric current, in this video we learn what is electric current covering amps, coulombs, voltage, parallel and series circuits, multimeters, resistors...