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Why Study Faith In Conflict Impact On Or

Climate Change Impacts Health: Urgent Action Needed

Upload : 22 hours ago...

2024-12-27 01:15 40 Youtube

Korean war

Upload : 2 weeks ago...

2024-12-14 08:11 1,548 Youtube

Bible Study on Faith: Why Should I Work on My Faith — Curtis Hartshorn

Bible Study by Curtis HartshornVideo Title: Bible Study on Faith: Why Should I Work on My Faith — Curtis HartshornCreator: Original Video: Bible ...

2024-08-16 28:16 10 Dailymotion

Impact on Slough: Israeli Palestinian Conflict

A special report looking closer at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and how it affects the Slough communities. For further information please visit WWW.SL1.TV...

2014-08-25 09:00 169 Dailymotion

Surprising Impact Of Ongoing Conflict In Middle East On Air Pollution

A recent study published in Science Advances has noted that air pollution levels in many major Middle Eastern cities has dropped significantly since 2010. The d...

2015-08-24 01:16 56 Dailymotion

Sam Harris on Faith or Reason

Sam Harris on Faith or ReasonThe Aspen Institute - Aspen InstituteBelieving the Unbelievable: The Clash Between Faith and Reason in the Modern World with Sam Ha...

2012-02-01 06:45 322 Dailymotion

Sam Harris on Faith or Reason

Sam Harris on Faith or ReasonThe Aspen Institute - Aspen InstituteBelieving the Unbelievable: The Clash Between Faith and Reason in the Modern World with Sam Ha...

2015-01-01 06:45 1 Dailymotion