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Occurred on September 1, 2020 / Willare, Western AustraliaInfo from Licensor: "Dust Devil or Willy Willy (as some call them) crossed the road in very close rang...
Occurred: December 22, 2016 / Montrose, Victoria, AustraliaInfo from Licensor: "I took my hounds for a walk at the end of a long hot day and was caught in a gus...
The strange phenomenon, also known as a Willy-Willy, is due to a upward spiralling, dust filled vortex of air. It occurs when the ground is dry and high surface...
Also known as dust devils, willy-willies are dust filled vortices that can spiral upwards from the ground, varying in height from a few feet to over 1000 feet. ...
In this video we take a look at the science behind 5 of the weirdest weather phenomena.Willy willy_ Also known as dust devils, Willy willys are whirlwinds that ...