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Willy Willy Or Dust Devil In Central Aus

RISE FROM THE ASHES | John Vaillant on Building Resiliency From Destruction

Upload : 1 week ago...

2025-03-19 59:27 123 Youtube

You don’t have to shake it to get the stuff out 🤯 #wow

Upload : 3 weeks ago...

2025-03-05 01:36 1,008,494 Youtube

Dust Devil Dorothy Crosses the Road

Occurred on September 1, 2020 / Willare, Western AustraliaInfo from Licensor: "Dust Devil or Willy Willy (as some call them) crossed the road in very close rang...

2020-09-05 00:54 23 Dailymotion

Dust Devil with Blue Skies

Occurred: December 22, 2016 / Montrose, Victoria, AustraliaInfo from Licensor: "I took my hounds for a walk at the end of a long hot day and was caught in a gus...

2016-12-26 00:44 813 Dailymotion

This is the bizarre moment a STRAW-NADO takes off in a field

The strange phenomenon, also known as a Willy-Willy, is due to a upward spiralling, dust filled vortex of air. It occurs when the ground is dry and high surface...

2019-03-08 00:10 1 Dailymotion

What is a willy willy and how do they form?

Also known as dust devils, willy-willies are dust filled vortices that can spiral upwards from the ground, varying in height from a few feet to over 1000 feet. ...

2022-12-10 01:21 20 Dailymotion

Weird weather phenomena

In this video we take a look at the science behind 5 of the weirdest weather phenomena.Willy willy_ Also known as dust devils, Willy willys are whirlwinds that ...

2022-12-09 03:08 8 Dailymotion