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Woman Says Essure Birth Control Had Pain

He Can Hear Women's Thoughts

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2024-12-24 09:59 1,752 Youtube

Push ups, fitness, training #shorts #fitness #pushups

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2024-12-25 00:14 416 Youtube

MEMORIES- Female Fitness Motivational workout

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2024-12-24 02:41 279 Youtube

MUST WATCH Podcast on Infertility

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2024-12-24 01:02 971 Youtube

Woman says Essure birth control had painful complications, caused itchiness

It wasn't until last year she had it removed -- along with most of her reproductive organs. She says those symptoms went away....

2016-03-26 01:38 9 Dailymotion

Woman says birth control change gave her a stroke

One Valley woman is telling her story after switching her birth control, which was a dangerous move for her. The move nearly cost Amanda Boyer her life. She had...

2017-05-02 01:51 2 Dailymotion

A cameraman circles around him, and Mr. Colbert looks directly into the lenses and says, “Hey.” Mr. Licht said Mr. Colbert had started doing

A cameraman circles around him, and Mr. Colbert looks directly into the lenses and says, “Hey.” Mr. Licht said Mr. Colbert had started doingthat on his own ...

2017-04-10 02:44 4 Dailymotion

Australian women lose class action against Bayer over birth control device Essure

Victoria’s supreme court has ruled against more than a thousand Australian women who launched a class action against the marker of their birth control device,...

2024-12-10 02:48 32 Dailymotion

Ovarian Cysts Treatment “An Open Letter to Any Woman Looking for Effective Relief From Ovarian Cyst Symptoms Without Resorting to Birth Control Pills, Pai...

2015-04-04 00:20 18 Dailymotion