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chemicals manufacturer & export chemicals...
Plating chemicals Manufacturer, Electroplating Chemicals Manufacturer, Nickel Plating Chemicals Manufacturer, Zinc Plating Chemicals Manufacturer, Metal Cleaner...
Eight types of beautiful chemical reactions are presented in this short video. For more information, please visit: http://BeautifulChemistry.net Video & Editin...
A cross-continental collaboration between filmmaker Scott Portingale and composer Gorkem Sen. The film transports the viewer into chemical dimensions, exploring...
We asked a group of talented 3D artists in Shanghai to create a short animation to express their impression of chemical structures. This animation also features...
This film shows the wonderful patterns of Belousov–Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction, one the most famous examples of chemical oscillators. More information, please ...
Client. LOTTE_CHEMICAL. 대홍 CD. 박장훈 EPD. ATEAM 조상호 Director. 백종열 D.O.P. 이종욱 G.F. 김덕중 ART. 강소희 LOCATION. 고로케 EDIT. �...