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Here we designed a Water level indicator whose data can be monitored through a webpage over a local area network. The water level will be detected by using an u...
PROTIVIN, CZECH REPUBLIC — A Czech beer brewery has enlisted some curious creatures to help maintain the purity of their water supply. Reuters reports that P...
Home made water level inductor very easy\r\rApparatus Required\r\r1. 3*330 ohm resistor\r2. 3*BC547 transistor\r3. 3 LED green,white & Red\r4. 1 buzzer\r5. 9vol...
"http://www.ibm.com/innovation/us/thesmartercity/index_flash.html?cmp=blank&cm=v&csr=chapter_water&cr=daily_motion&ct=usbrv111&cn=agus_brsmartcity-20090929IBM c...
How to make DISTANCE MEASURING device...