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Sonia Lujano You Dont Know Me

Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise (feat. L.V.) [Official Music Video]

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2025-03-23 05:33 13,204 Youtube

لو خيروك

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2025-03-23 00:06 767 Youtube

sonia lujano - [[you dont know me]]

♥ Life is full of thrills, And life can be rough, Yet life is full of chills, And life can be tough, Making decisions, Fulfilling your dreams, Choosing ...

2014-11-07 01:18 5 Dailymotion

sonia lujano - [[memories of me && you]]

wHen I FiRsT Saw You, You CaUgHt My Eye, The Last TiMe I ReMeMbER, Is on The 4th of juLy, You gave Me A hug, I gave You a KiSs, YOu LooKed At Me, You WeR...

2014-11-07 00:47 0 Dailymotion

sonia lujano - [[i want you to know]]

I feel really close to you, as a friend. I wonder if you'll be there till the end. Although i met you this year I will always want you near. Your there when i...

2014-06-13 00:20 5 Dailymotion

sonia lujano - [[can you hear me cry? ]]

.♥ . water sliding down my cheeks, each drop makes you more weak, what is this element of emotion? feeling this at a time of broken devotion, feeling this on ...

2014-11-07 01:25 8 Dailymotion

sonia lujano - [[the real me]]

-♥ -I keep my paint brush with me wherever I may go, incase I need to cover up so the real me doesn't show. I'm so afraid to show you me, Afraid of what you...

2014-11-07 01:08 3 Dailymotion