Michael Kope - The Silver Tsunami of Chronic Disease

2019-10-13 16 0 257 YouTube

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SENS Research Foundation’s CEO Mike Kope raises concerns around the financial and social costs of keeping people unwell for longer - a silver tsunami of chronic disease / pathology - while lifespan has increased, people are getting sicker in older age. This is a major financial and social burden to families of the sick and aged as well as to society. Also see The Rising Costs of Managing an Aging Population: https://youtu.be/4BpD3umkpJg Many thanks for watching! Consider supporting SciFuture by: a) Subscribing to the SciFuture YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TheRationalFuture b) Donating - Bitcoin: 1BxusYmpynJsH4i8681aBuw9ZTxbKoUi22 - Etherium: 0xd46a6e88c4fe179d04464caf42626d0c9cab1c6b - Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scifuture c) Sharing the media SciFuture creates: http://scifuture.org Kind regards, Adam Ford - Science, Technology & the Future
