Chicken Biryani for kids - Less spicy | Peter Cooking Tamil | Kids Special Biryani

2024-04-20 0 0 338 YouTube

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#chickenbiryani #chickenbiriyaniintamil #chickenbiriyani #biryani #biryanirecipe Less spicy chicken biryani | Biryani for kids | 5kg chicken biryani In this video we explained how to prepare 5kg chicken biryani with less spicy. It you want to have more spice, just add 40 more green chilly. Ingredients for 1kg Chicken Biryani: Seeraga Samba Rice - 1kg Chicken - 1kg to 1.2 kg Oil - 200ml (groundnut oil or sunflower oil or ricebran oil) Ghee -50gram (Optional for richness of Biryani) Cardamom - 3 Cloves - 3 Cinnamon Stick - 2 Star Anise - 1 Maratimukku Stick - 1 Brinji Leaf - 1 Pudina Leaf - 1 small bunch Coriander Leaf - 1 small bunch Big Onion - 400 gm Ginger - 100gm (others add less ginger, but adding 100gram is good) Garlic - 100gm (others add less ginger, but adding 100gram is good) Tomato - 400gm Green Chilly - 2 (for more spice, add 8 green chilly) Chilly Powder - 10gm (1.5 table spoon) Coriander Powder - 10gm (1.5 table spoon) Garam Masala Home Made - (15 cardamaom, 15 cloves, 4 cinnamon stick) Curd - 2Tbsp Salt - 30 to 35 gram or 3 Table spoon Water - For 1kg biryani, it should be 1:2 ratio for seeragasamba rice. When quantity increase, reduce the water.
